Disney Encanto tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift from super strength to the power to heal—every child except one, Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, the only ordinary Madrigal, might just be her exceptional family’s last hope. The animated feature film is all retold in this full-color hardcover graphic novel that’s perfect for girls and boys ages 6 to 9.
Series Overview: We will be publishing Hardcover and Digest Junior Novelizations, two Step into Readings, an 8x8, a Little Golden Book, a tabbed board book, and a hardcover graphic novel based on the film. Ages 6 to 8.
Series Overview: We will be publishing Hardcover and Digest Junior Novelizations, two Step into Readings, an 8x8, a Little Golden Book, a tabbed board book, and a hardcover graphic novel based on the film. Ages 6 to 8.