The guide to getting hired, being promoted, and thriving professionally for the 40 million people of color in the workplace. Companies say they understand that a diverse workforce is good for business, but they don’t have enough candidates to diversify their ranks. The 40 million African-American, Latino, and Native American professionals in the US are ready to help solve that problem, but many need an entry point and guidance on thriving once they’re in. Let Them See Us is the straight-talking, practical guide for entry- to mid-level professionals who know they have what it takes to succeed in the workplace—if only they knew how best to navigate it.
Porter Braswell knows from personal experience, as one of the few young black professionals working on Wall Street and now as a technology entrepreneur and co-founder of Jopwell, the fast-growing employment hub for diverse talent. Let Them See Us lays out all the lessons Braswell and his team at Jopwell have learned plus new ideas from the front lines of the fast-changing workplace, such as how to scale not-so-invisible obstacles, create perceived value, get recognized, be true to yourself, build your brand, harness fear of failure, and embrace uncomfortable conversations.