In this evocative and heartwarming novel, the author of I Can Make This Promise tells the story of a Makah/Piscataway girl struggling to find her joy again and the family who will protect her no matter what happens.
Maisie Cannon is having a hard time.
It’s been months since her knee injury, and her recovery process has been painfully slow. As a serious ballet student, Maisie is eager to rebuild her strength and get back to the dance studio. She knows all her ballerina friends are auditioning for prestigious summer dance programs, while she remains sentenced to physical therapy.
But the injury isn't her only problem. Maisie has been irritable toward her parents and little brother lately and can't always explain why. And as Maisie and her family set out on a midwinter road trip, her secrets and anxieties and dark moods are starting to hurt as much as the aches and pains in her knee. Ages 8 to 12.